Hi it's me

until proven otherwise therefore

today I find you in a

new video hall and that says video

oldie online shopping

so I wanted to talk to you about

ebuyclub so i'll quickly get you

explain what it is if you

buy a lot online like me

can be quite interesting since that

allows you to make money by

buying clothes

what could be more beautiful then in fact

ebuyclub is a cashback site so

what is cash back

so the cash back

in fact it is a refund of

percentage of his purchase for example

you are going to buy I don't know me one

jacket you're going to have 2% on top

it's crazy in fact and the site I

talking to you is completely free there

just register

you have 3 euros offered to

china registration i will put you

little ones close up show you how

so it looks like you see

on the screen after installing

the crom extension therefore of the site

ebuyclub which i remind is in progress

free you will have access to codes

promotions on brands like asos darty

fnac nike et cetera et cetera and


even at inside and I find it crazy

actually because i sign this is it

it's already a site where there are no

very expensive clothes and on top of that

you can get reimbursed for your

late shopping I find it crazy or by

example i'm reading that on

the station can have 12% on darty you

have 10% fnac 10%

sephora 4% finally even amazon

there is a reimbursement percentage and

I actually find it good because I

I buy a lot on amazon and by

example if you're like me and that

you go a lot on amazon me I there

go very regularly i know a lot

purposely and so on

beauty products is that now

I will pass more by amazon without

use e-bay club since it allows me

actually having a percentage of

refund at the level of my purchases

so it's super interesting

which is all the more interesting

is that as soon as you reach the

amount of 10 euros in your can

and mailclub by buying clothes

you can simply request a

transfer either by paypal or on your

bank account and you can

recover your 10 euros 20 euros or 30

euros as you buy

since I installed them and I wash or

because I was offered this partnership

it's true that I no longer see myself doing my

shopping sense since whenever

I buy something I have a

percentage that puts back

and with that I can buy others

things i don't know if you follow me

but I find it super revolutionized the

being able to buy clothes and

to get reimbursed a small part

end here i won't tell you about otherwise

I don't see the point in you

share a scam actually i have

really look if it was safe etc

i use them and myself having no

worry we see the truce of blabla we go

spend today I find you

again for a hall you have to tell yourself

that I spend my life buying


yes not long ago my cousin did

the surprise to take me to san sebastian

so it's a city in spain actually

there are a lot of shops and suddenly

did the shopping and I have a little

very much crack my pants and in addition to

I went back to the shops

after in my parents' town everything

okay i will really understand those

clothes as they come this is there is

no specific order i will tell you at

every time I bought them the price

if i kept that label what

would surprise me so first I will

show you these pants that I bought

today need to be a buyer

compulsive but it was stronger than

me so it's pants like that you

know a little bit cargo and I what

I don't like in cargo pants you

know there are always lots of pockets

and I find it not very pretty by

compared to my leg shape actually

I have people who go a bit in x and

suddenly pockets everywhere drop

accentuates that I don't find it very pretty

suddenly I bought these pants here cargo

so buy it at delhi wave and cost me

25 euros 99

I don't know you but I have

the impression that such and wej they have

enormously increased their prices I have

wanted to buy a little black top all

simple it was 7 euros

what the genre before it was 2.3

euros and I find that they really

raise their prices after quality

follows because i find it is

really very good quality it looks

a bershka and all my same margins as

I think I could have found it


so here is saint thibault day of care

from such images because

for me such image it was really